Epping Forest ReUSE
Charity No.
There will be a "final final" clearance sale on Tuesday 4th October from 11.00am to 2.00pm at Epping Forest ReUSE Centre, Bower Hill Industrial Estate, Epping CM16 7BN. All used goods at low, low prices. Furniture, bric-a-brac and small electrical items. Come along and grab a bargain! Cash only, no delivery. All are warmly invited.
The Charity has provided many hundreds of people in need with household appliances and furniture, has diverted tonnes of goods from landfill and has provided volunteering oppertunities for many, including those marginalised by health or life experiences. Sadly, in recent months the charity has lacked sufficient not-in-need customers. That and the forth-coming rent review have led to the decision to close.
We thank everyone who has supported Epping Forest ReUSE over the past 9 years.